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Aztec Shirt from a random market, Leggings from SM Department Store, booties from Nine West, Jacket from H&M

Everything and everybody has a saturation point. The time will come when you can stand no more from the people and things who fill you with burden and negativity. Whoever and whatever they are, it makes no difference if the irritation they create grows faster than you can give it. Life is full of opportunities, a stream of chances. Few hours are great, few seconds momentous. So LEAVE your difficult situation, or STRATEGIZE and make a change.
Past is over, that’s just a part of your book. Future is nonexistent, wherein you create it by making the most out of what you do in your PRESENT moment. Build a very promising one and be happy and positive as much as you can. Always look at an obstacle as your training ground for a stronger and better you.
I am restless. I embrace change to the point that I am hungry for it.

I am not afraid to be different and not even care if someone criticizes me. A lot of people loves to give advice even if you’re not asking for it. My precious ear is giving a chance to listen but my principles and philosophies are strong enough that I’m not easily swayed by unsolicited opinions.
I am happy that I am touching people’s lives. I really do. Its one of my aim. Like being nice to everyone so when I die, I can confidently say a lot will.mourn.
Make a mark. You don’t have to be famous. Be yourself and be unique. People will remember you.

My brain is active now and words keep flowing.

-entry from my journal.

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